How's your Coffee (Tea) this morning?
Thursday evening I went to our doll club meeting. JoAnn Bulman showed us how to make a wonderful vintage paper doll, dressed in fabric...I started mine, but there wasn't enough time at the meeting for me to finish her. I had hoped to finish her on Friday (yesterday).
However, yesterday was crazy for me (I had to go to town, my car broke down, I ran to mechanics, even had to do a bit of shopping while leaving the car running and locked..SHEESH), and I realized that as time is growing short before I return to work and school, it's bound to get a bit crazier. So today, I will sit still.... which means I will try and make lists and figure out what else I need to do, like servicing the pellet stove, arranging propane delivery, sorting out classes, making calls for volunteers for Folk Art Fest, yell at my web site people (they apparently didn't renew my site) and, and, and...... Then as the sun sets and the world grows quiet, I will attempt to finish up Thursday's project.
Tomorrow is Sunday, and I visit Mom...... hopefully, I will post a finished vintage paper doll, dressed in fabric then.....
So until then, you have a wonderful day, keep the faith, and enjoy your Coffee (Tea). Stay well!
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Just a quick note today....
New project for these craft fairs I need inventory for... Today I start on Christmas Ornaments.... yes, you have it.... birds. I have reduced the pattern to 65%, 50% was just too small, even for me to work with (I use to be the QUEEN of small!)....
Yesterday I saw my honey before he ran off (to yet another business function) and then attended a meeting of the Folk Art Fest-"We Art The People," where I am not only a vendor, but the volunteer coordinator. Good meeting, but the day was a wash.....
Today is a doll club meeting (in Albuquerque) and I "get needled" (acupuncture). So we will see how far I get with everything else I want to do.... I think I need to make a list....LOL....
I am thinking for the sculpted cactus, I may start with a couple of aluminum cans for the cactus.... Recycling is my "thing"...... Does anyone have any other suggestions as a base?
Hope you have a great day.... It's very overcast here and I expect it will rain! Until later.....
Yesterday I saw my honey before he ran off (to yet another business function) and then attended a meeting of the Folk Art Fest-"We Art The People," where I am not only a vendor, but the volunteer coordinator. Good meeting, but the day was a wash.....
Today is a doll club meeting (in Albuquerque) and I "get needled" (acupuncture). So we will see how far I get with everything else I want to do.... I think I need to make a list....LOL....
I am thinking for the sculpted cactus, I may start with a couple of aluminum cans for the cactus.... Recycling is my "thing"...... Does anyone have any other suggestions as a base?
Hope you have a great day.... It's very overcast here and I expect it will rain! Until later.....
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Bird on a Cactus!
Yesterday, I wasn't able to post him.... I have decided that I am definitely going to transform him into a more ridgid sculpture (mixed media, still using some cloth)....I'll share as the process begins all the way through the end.....funny that this will be my first piece, since I have at least 3 other drawing standing in front of him....LOL....None of them are particularly happy to be put off.... I guess I am just in the "bird" state of mind. And, I will be writing up the pattern for this and the pincushion, which with a bit of luck will be available soon.
I am also about to start some Masks....after all Fall, at least here, high in the Rocky's, is in the air. That means it's just a hop, skip, and a jump until All Hallow Eve, or Halloween!!!!! Which means Dios de Muerta (Day of the Dead), Trick or Treat, and Samhain.. fun, fun, fun 

Hoping you are having a wonderful day.....
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Tuesday Morning Coming Down
Good Morning!!! This is a quick note to say hello. ! I took a bit of a break yesterday to do something other than a "pincushion" I create a "piece".... I hate to tell you that it is a bird on a cactus, but that is what it is..... LOL.... Not quite finished, so I'll post it later when it is.... LOL... if my internet (or lack thereof) will allow.....
Wishing each of you a marvelous day filled with much love!
Monday, July 29, 2013
Cactus Flower....
Monday morning and the sun is up and we are still getting an inordinate amount of rain. House is clean, quiche for the week is cooked as and the eggs are hard boiled.... Lunch is ready to go... My honey is coming to have lunch today....
Mom is home, other than some back issues (she had to see a chiropractor) she had a good time. And me, the saga of the birds march on.
To date, this is certainly my favorite! I've decided that I will call this pattern"Cactus Flower," and am entertaining the idea of commercial patterning it.... if of course there is enough interest....writing a pattern takes a bit of time. But this is easy and fun and from beginner to advanced, you can let your imagination fun free.... I think I am keeping this one and going to "Bernardize" or "Bling" it out as soon as I get 5 free minutes (LOL....It'll take more than that for sure!)
Mom is home, other than some back issues (she had to see a chiropractor) she had a good time. And me, the saga of the birds march on.
To date, this is certainly my favorite! I've decided that I will call this pattern"Cactus Flower," and am entertaining the idea of commercial patterning it.... if of course there is enough interest....writing a pattern takes a bit of time. But this is easy and fun and from beginner to advanced, you can let your imagination fun free.... I think I am keeping this one and going to "Bernardize" or "Bling" it out as soon as I get 5 free minutes (LOL....It'll take more than that for sure!)
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Another Saturday Morning.....
Got up with the birds this morning and am just dropping by to post these pictures on the birds on their cactus'.... Wishing each of you a marvlous day... if I get a moment I'll post again.... Let me know, how you like them!? Don't mind my shaking.... either it's too much coffee (never) or my tremor is bad today..... Ain't aging a grinch some times? LOL...
Friday, July 26, 2013
After 3 days of trying different, eggs, smaller cactus, pincushions in a mason jar top, etc., etc., etc........... I think I finally came up with the solution. Now, just need to make a few adjustments to the cactus and it'll I'll be in like flint. Here is the original bird, I added a top notch to the bird, then placed it atop the cactus.... I tried several ways to create this cactus and this one, I hand blanket stitched the cactus after I finished it..... So, a couple of adjustments and I think I am in like Flint..... Would love to hear what you think!
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
another thought for today
stole this from facebook....but it pretty well sums up my life...LOL
Again, have a wonderful day!!!!
It's Wednesday already....
I have been struggling and struggling with different ideas for pincushions for my birds to be attached to. I have tried small cushions, larger cushions, even fabric eggs, all to no avail.... So, I think it is almost time to move on to something different. I have one more idea. I enjoy the ironical, something--not necessarily "cute," but maybe a bit more on the charming side, that can help lift someones spirts. I see the expression on this little birds face as being a bit forlorn, not sad so much as an 'OOPS, What have I gotten myself into,' kind of thing..... So, I think I will try one more thing..... a cactus or a yucca, something "spikey."
About birds, the hummers are amazing this year. There must be 30-50 and daily their numbers grow. I only know that because I keep seeing different species. I started out with just the females at first, they were joined by the green, red throated one, then of course the copper colored rufus joined them....I must have a whole flock of "rufus'" at this point, I have hummers with straight bills and ones with bills that are slightly curved....however, yesterday a new one showed up, this one is I think female as it has lots of browns, with flashes of blue... this is the only blue hummer I have seen so far... I will wait and see if it broadcasts it's feeding spot.
The other thing is I have a bird nesting in an artifical plant in a basket that I hung. She has 4 eggs that can't be any bigger than the tip pad of my middle finger....I don't see dad anywhere I worry that she is all alone.....
Already mowed the lawn this morning (before 7 am--lol), but I figured everyone was up getting ready for work, or just coming home, not yet asleep.... Need to get busy...maybe tomorrow you will see the results of my cactus experiment.... Have a great day.
About birds, the hummers are amazing this year. There must be 30-50 and daily their numbers grow. I only know that because I keep seeing different species. I started out with just the females at first, they were joined by the green, red throated one, then of course the copper colored rufus joined them....I must have a whole flock of "rufus'" at this point, I have hummers with straight bills and ones with bills that are slightly curved....however, yesterday a new one showed up, this one is I think female as it has lots of browns, with flashes of blue... this is the only blue hummer I have seen so far... I will wait and see if it broadcasts it's feeding spot.
The other thing is I have a bird nesting in an artifical plant in a basket that I hung. She has 4 eggs that can't be any bigger than the tip pad of my middle finger....I don't see dad anywhere I worry that she is all alone.....
Already mowed the lawn this morning (before 7 am--lol), but I figured everyone was up getting ready for work, or just coming home, not yet asleep.... Need to get busy...maybe tomorrow you will see the results of my cactus experiment.... Have a great day.
Monday, July 22, 2013
So far....
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Lone Bird sitting on nest |
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Love Birds |
Would love to hear what you think. Have a great day!
Hummmmm, I'm struggling, struggling with a nest for these birds.... maybe I just need to make a pillow as with the Kats and Dogs..... I must have made 3 or 4 different types yesterday.... not the look I am going for..... I'm playing with the idea of a large egg.... rather comically sulfurous, you know? More later.
Sunday, July 21, 2013
It's Sunday.....
I thought it was Saturday....I am so dependant on my schedule for the day, that when things change, I get a bit lost. Mom's on vacation, so how am I suppose to know it's Sunday?....LOL.... Not much to say today, other than I would ask that you take a moment to say a little prayer for a friend of mine, his loving 3 daughters, Callie, his cat and those of us who love him dearly.... Mr. Bill, may well be leaving this plane today.... destined for bigger and brighter tomorrows. Prayers that the transition is both gentle and easy..... Thank you.......
Saturday, July 20, 2013
The Story of the Creation of the Bird of Paradise....
Okay, so yesterday was spent working on "the bird".....
when all was said and done, he ended up sitting on an egg like this....
I was really pretty jazzed....first pattern created totally by me in the last 10 years. That is not to say I haven't done anything original. But mostly technique classes from two of the most "bestest" teachers, Sherry Goshon and Jean Bernard. Their classes are always project based, but are more about the technique, at least for me. Mine always looks different from everyone elses, which is how I got my "creative fix"
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In progress |
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finished on wooden egg.... |
Anyway, as I said, I was really pretty jazzed, so cut out 3 more bodies and heads and went to work stuffing them. Started the 2nd one and wouldn't you know it? He DEMANDED to be different, right from the beginning. First of all he wanted to stand.... this pattern was not designed to have legs attached, did he care. NO! So I used 18 gauge wire, formed a U and gave him legs.....stuffing around them, in this small a critter made for a challenge. Then, I made one set of wings and don't you know, he wasn't happy with just a single wing on either side.... demanded a 2nd pair....LOL... Okay, I complied. All this and he 1st of all doesn't even have a head yet, much less eyes.... Eyes, they were black, but NO, he didn't like them. I told him to SHUT UP, I was in charge, he told me, they just won't work... however, I was determined to have my way. Did it work? Well, when I started the eye ruffle he yelled and screamed and carried on, the din was outrageous! I persevered, when finished with the first ruffle, took a look and wouldn't you know it, he was Right, I DID NOT like it... The Bird, he just laughed and laughed and laughed, chirping how he "Told You So"....he had no idea how close he came to a "Fried Chicken Special!" Okay, fine, I was done for the day.
Went to bed and dreamed of a little bird who wanted to be The Bird of Paradise.... that's right, he invaded my dreams--but you know what, this is whence comes the best of my creations, so, I awoke at 5:45 a.m., told him to pipe down, I wasn't ready to start the day yet and snoozed for a while longer.
He was very anxious for me to start when I awoke, but I told him, I had other things to do....LOL... finally about 9:30ish, I started to finish him. It was a bit of a struggle as each time I thought good, I'm done, he wanted something else.... I finally finished him about 30 minutes ago....two hours I worked on just his head this morning....tsk, tsk. But he is finished a as proud as a peacock.... I hope you like him.....
I wish he had photographed better..... He is much cuter in person than in these pictures....
Friday, July 19, 2013
The Start of another weekend!
Yesterday I really didn't get much done at OFFCenter. Ron asked if I would type up the labels for the new show that is opening today, so I did. He also asked if I was looking for a job this Fall... I just laughed....and then as of this moment, I will again be teaching the after school art program at Reginald Chavez Elementary...
As for is the start of another weekend. Mom is currently in Mohab, UT or on her way to Lava Springs....she, my niece, my niece's son and husband will be gone for a week on vacation. They are planning on seeing Yellowstone and the Tetons and Jackson Hole and Canyon Land and all the stuff they can pack into 8 days. That means that I am footloose and fancy free on Sunday, so I have 3 days to play and create.
I am so jazzed by my little bird that I think I will make some for Christmas Ornaments.....A stylized Christmas Dove done in white and white on white with bling! But first to make some pin cushions with birds on them to give the Kats and Dogs something other than themselves to chase.
Still have to post to my list and facebook as well as read all the email that has accumulated since yesterday. So here's wishing you a happy and creative day..... Love to hear your comments.... either here or at
As for is the start of another weekend. Mom is currently in Mohab, UT or on her way to Lava Springs....she, my niece, my niece's son and husband will be gone for a week on vacation. They are planning on seeing Yellowstone and the Tetons and Jackson Hole and Canyon Land and all the stuff they can pack into 8 days. That means that I am footloose and fancy free on Sunday, so I have 3 days to play and create.
I am so jazzed by my little bird that I think I will make some for Christmas Ornaments.....A stylized Christmas Dove done in white and white on white with bling! But first to make some pin cushions with birds on them to give the Kats and Dogs something other than themselves to chase.
Still have to post to my list and facebook as well as read all the email that has accumulated since yesterday. So here's wishing you a happy and creative day..... Love to hear your comments.... either here or at
Thursday, July 18, 2013
It's much later
But I'm here so, quick like a bunny I'll post some are the Kat and Dogs, all finished up and ready to go to new homes? Which is your favorite?

Then here is the other two braclets I beaded and two very fancy badge holder necklaces...
And then the last thing I want to post is my bird.... It took me two tried, but I really kinda like this one.... What do you think?
More tomorrow!!!!
I'll try posting again this afternoon! Enjoy the Hummers!!!
I'm off to OFFCenter this afternoon, once there I will try again.... Pictures just aren't loading here, so please, stop by later, but for now, enjoy the hummers!
There are days and then there are DAYS!
Again, my internet is playing havoc with my patients! But I am determined! First, here are a few pictures of the hummers that I have been promising....
Here you see they are standing in line, all 4 stations are taken...LOL
This one on the right I had to share, he wasn't quite sure whether to land or not, so I caught him a full tilt.
I'll post these are then try to repost, it took forever to upload these two pictures and I have more to share with you!
Here you see they are standing in line, all 4 stations are taken...LOL
This one on the right I had to share, he wasn't quite sure whether to land or not, so I caught him a full tilt.
I'll post these are then try to repost, it took forever to upload these two pictures and I have more to share with you!
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
If it's Tuesday, this must be Belgium....LOL
Remember that movie? I've been dark for the past couple of days due to internet problems....slower than dial up, and I get moved on to other things.
Yesterday was a real wash for me. I started a new braclet and 3 hours later, decided I just needed to stop, no creativity anywhere in my body. It was dark and gloomy yesterday, much like a winter's day and in the morning, at least until about noon, it barely reached 60 degree F. My mood matched the weather.
Today the sun is shining, I am off to OFFCenter this afternoon to finish matting prints, then it's back home, then I will make some calls on the Fiber Arts Fiesta volunteer list. Still haven't taken any pictures of the two necklaces I've made....or of anymore pin cushions that I've done.... I have continued to try to capture my hummers with my slr camera to no avail....just dawned on me that maybe I need to change the automatic setting....sheesh. Will try that this evening. I am going through about 1/2 gal of nectar a day now---in the evening they swarm and are beautiful.....
Well, I need to start my day, so for now, I'll close. Wishing you a wonderful and creative day!
Yesterday was a real wash for me. I started a new braclet and 3 hours later, decided I just needed to stop, no creativity anywhere in my body. It was dark and gloomy yesterday, much like a winter's day and in the morning, at least until about noon, it barely reached 60 degree F. My mood matched the weather.
Today the sun is shining, I am off to OFFCenter this afternoon to finish matting prints, then it's back home, then I will make some calls on the Fiber Arts Fiesta volunteer list. Still haven't taken any pictures of the two necklaces I've made....or of anymore pin cushions that I've done.... I have continued to try to capture my hummers with my slr camera to no avail....just dawned on me that maybe I need to change the automatic setting....sheesh. Will try that this evening. I am going through about 1/2 gal of nectar a day now---in the evening they swarm and are beautiful.....
Well, I need to start my day, so for now, I'll close. Wishing you a wonderful and creative day!
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Saturday Morning....
Another Saturday morning in the Land of Enchantment, more particularly, the Enchanted Realm. Bright blue sky this morning, not even the whisper of a cloud. Just sitting here, watching the hummers, drinking coffee and listening to a newly hatched baby bird outside my kitchen window. Time to kick start the day, didn't get to bed until after 3 a.m. so another day that I'm sleepy, but I should finish the Kat and Doggy pincushions today, made another braclet yesterday and started on a necklace of sorts, it's actually a beaded badge/name tag holder. And of course ideas about designing a bird was and is running around in my head.... We will see what today brings for me here.
Here's to you having a wonderfully creative day in all things you do!
Friday, July 12, 2013
Another Friday in the Enchanted Realm
You know, I wrote this whole long wonderful post about what I did yesterday but my computer in all it's wonderful genius, decided to freeze up and I will be damned if I know how to get to the saved drafts, so, in an effort to post the pix of the matting and framing I did yesterday...that is all it will be today.
The framed one, Sumer Day, is a gift for my honey..he loved the raw print, which is a monoprint, embossed technique, I have since enhanced it with color pencils to bring out the embossing. In the green frame, Winter Sunset, for those of you who know me, shouldn't suprise you, is one of the many renditions of a tree. This was one of my first attempts at a monoprint, not only s
did I hope to capture the bareness of the tree but the vivid colors of our (southwest's) amazing sunsets and I was pretty happy with it for a first try. In the brown/beige frame is a print from 3 stamps, two of which I created. The central figure is a combination of two images from the Mayan Calendar, his eye was from a stamp I found in an Egyptian Stamp Collection the 'stone frame' was the other stamp I created. And finally we come to one of my very favorite prints, this is a Solar print, created from a photo of my eldest granddaughter. I had manipulated the photo, so that it should have been almost a double/reversed exposure of her. However, when I pulled the first print, I realized that what I had actually created was a volcano where her hair overlapped. Hence, Pele, Goddess of Fire, Wind, Lightening and Volcanos.... Hope you enjoy them...
Wishing each of you a Marvy Day!!! Until tomorrow!
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Just a quick note... Yesterday was a half-as*ed day. I got almost nothing accomplished, but worked my butt off! Did matt 6 prints (someone elses) (but it was okay as I got to figure out how this equipment worked on someone else's prints), did work on the books but didn't get it to the accountant.... Attended an Emerging Artist group, and did finish another bracelet (blue) and started on an amber and green one (I think I will really like this one--going to add some pink to it...ummmm?!)
Anyway, that was my yesterday...
Today? well I fell into bed about midnight and slept until almost 9 a.m.----LOL---for me that is unheard of. AND it was the sleep of the dead apparently as I had two phone calls and never heard the phone... So today is a really late start and I need to move my cute butt, so am off.....
Wishing you a creative day!
Anyway, that was my yesterday...
Today? well I fell into bed about midnight and slept until almost 9 a.m.----LOL---for me that is unheard of. AND it was the sleep of the dead apparently as I had two phone calls and never heard the phone... So today is a really late start and I need to move my cute butt, so am off.....
Wishing you a creative day!
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Crazy Tuesday
Didn't sleep much last night and am just exhausted this morning! All the stuff I need to do today was on my mind, so 4 a.m. came along and I was still awake. Alas and woe is me, I need a probably not everything will get done today....Oh Well!....
Yesterday was a perfectly lovely day. I putz in the morning, made lunch for my guy and me, he, was late (LOL) as first day back and EVERYONE wanted/needed something.... (me too!)... anyway, he got here, we had lunch and suddenly a torrential downpour.... about 30 minutes of an absolute deluge. Ray waited to see if it would let up, but noper, didn't happen, so he got pretty soaked as he ran out to his truck to leave.... We were both laughing like we were teenagers....
Last night, I was so tired of sewing that I thought to do something different. So I made this braclet. I am a real novice at beading, but this was a fun project and I may need to do some more. However, I have to tell you that after all is said and was still a needle pulling thread.
For now, I'm off, I may not get everything I need to do to day, completed, but it needs to be finished by tomorrow (that is today's stuff, sheesh). Have a very creative day, no matter what it is you do! Here's the braclet....
Yesterday was a perfectly lovely day. I putz in the morning, made lunch for my guy and me, he, was late (LOL) as first day back and EVERYONE wanted/needed something.... (me too!)... anyway, he got here, we had lunch and suddenly a torrential downpour.... about 30 minutes of an absolute deluge. Ray waited to see if it would let up, but noper, didn't happen, so he got pretty soaked as he ran out to his truck to leave.... We were both laughing like we were teenagers....
Last night, I was so tired of sewing that I thought to do something different. So I made this braclet. I am a real novice at beading, but this was a fun project and I may need to do some more. However, I have to tell you that after all is said and was still a needle pulling thread.
For now, I'm off, I may not get everything I need to do to day, completed, but it needs to be finished by tomorrow (that is today's stuff, sheesh). Have a very creative day, no matter what it is you do! Here's the braclet....
Monday, July 8, 2013
A very busy week ahead
Work on the original 10 pincushions is progressing, very slowly. Either I have lost my "speediness" or they are a lot of work....LOL...maybe a combination of both! This week I have to finalize the CIFI books and get it to my accountant, still need to go tomorrow and mat prints (both mine and a teenage gal to attends OFFCenter), finish these pincushions, and my guy (boyfriend) is home after being gone for work for the last month (he's coming over today!!!! I'm excited). Isn't it funny that after all these years (40+), I still get the "sparklies" thinking about him--all warm and fuzzy.... I laugh because it makes me think of how a sixteen year old girl behaves. Anyway, today or tomorrow (probably tomorrow) I'll post some pictures of the latest 3 pincushions I've finished----as for this afternoon, it the dreaded bookkeeping---ouch! Oh Well, at least I don't have to be too creative there....LOL... Have a great day!
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Another Sunday Coming Down
Sunday morning and all is well so far. No rain yesterday, which meant today I water (in the process as I type!). And as it's Sunday, I will, as is the general schedule, go visit with my Mom. I always feel so blessed to still have her....what is ever better is that we enjoy a really great relationship. She's off to Yellowstone Park in a week or so, wish I were going, this is the first year in the last 3 I won't be. Originally, she was going in May, while I was still in school, when plans were made, my neice said she wanted to go. She became ill, so was unable to travel then, so they rescheduled for July.... they will have a wonderful time.
Yesterday I promised I would share the pin cushions I'm working on, so here they are. The Kat is from a free pattern on Dollmaker's Journey, created by Sue Daniel. I drafted the dog's head, but it is still Sue's pattern. I will attempt the Bird after I finish up these first ten. Hope you enjoy them. Have a wonderful day.
Yesterday I promised I would share the pin cushions I'm working on, so here they are. The Kat is from a free pattern on Dollmaker's Journey, created by Sue Daniel. I drafted the dog's head, but it is still Sue's pattern. I will attempt the Bird after I finish up these first ten. Hope you enjoy them. Have a wonderful day.
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Still working on pin cushions...
All of the pincushions bases are complete (10) and stuffed with eco friendly crushed walnut shells. The company says that it's allergy free, right on the bag.... I may need to call just to make sure with today's nut allergies! This is such a journey for me, I have been away from sewing and patterns for so long, it's like each step is a relearning of something old. Not a lot of "muscle memory" left I guess.... The first critter I went to sew, fell apart...LOL....all the seams blew out. If that wasn't enough all on it's own, trying to remove the freezer wrap was a nightmare. I think that is why I stopped using it in the first place. But then, a grand idea went off. If you iron it on, why can't you iron it off? It worked somewhat, but I think I will go back to my graphite and air erasable pen.... Sheesh. The pattern calls for a kat to sit on the pincushion.... I drafted a dogs head to fit the body and just this morning realize that I need to design a bird to "put on it."..... LOL...
We got more rain last night and I was out in the yard, again this morning, removing encroaching olive tree volunteers.... Currently I am sitting at my dining room table listening to and looking at a most beautiful bird....wish my camera would take a better picture through the window than it does and you know by the time I get out there, he will fly away (of course it's a he, because he is so colorful).... I need to dig out my birds of the southwest book....
Well today I get needled (acupuncture) and then it's back to cats and dogs, maybe today I'll get to the bird!... Have a great day!
We got more rain last night and I was out in the yard, again this morning, removing encroaching olive tree volunteers.... Currently I am sitting at my dining room table listening to and looking at a most beautiful bird....wish my camera would take a better picture through the window than it does and you know by the time I get out there, he will fly away (of course it's a he, because he is so colorful).... I need to dig out my birds of the southwest book....
Well today I get needled (acupuncture) and then it's back to cats and dogs, maybe today I'll get to the bird!... Have a great day!
Friday, July 5, 2013
The Day After....
Gorious day today. I was able to go out and pull up many of the russian olives that have invaded my rose garden without much strain. Yesterday was a quite day with my Daughter and Eldest Granddaughter coming up for a couple of hours to visit, it was quite lovely. I spent the rest of the day just chilling, doing almost nothing, except eating too much..... I love watermellon!
Today I need to run to the post office so send off fees for a both at a Christmas Mercado, then into town for my scripts, gas, and some walnut shells for the pincushions I started yesterday.
Hope everyone is having a marvelous day.
Today I need to run to the post office so send off fees for a both at a Christmas Mercado, then into town for my scripts, gas, and some walnut shells for the pincushions I started yesterday.
Hope everyone is having a marvelous day.
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Happy 4th of July....
Today will be quiet for me. My daughter and eldest granddaughter will be coming over this morning, maybe I'll fix brunch. Yesterday I left 3 of my Gypsy Bags at OFFCenter.... didn't get much else done, as it was very much like "old home week.".... Lot's of visiting and catching up.
My blog and no one is reading, so I think I will VENT..... I HATE, HATE, HATE, rude people....they hurt people, many times without any real valid reason. It invalidates them, so if you are guilty of it.....STOP! If you don't like someone, just walk away and STAY away. Enough, to soap boxes.... I have a decision to make and it may not be the day to do it.
I'll work on some more bags later today as well as start on the pincushion patterns. Wishing everyone a glorious 4th. Stay safe, be careful, have fun. Much love to all.
My blog and no one is reading, so I think I will VENT..... I HATE, HATE, HATE, rude people....they hurt people, many times without any real valid reason. It invalidates them, so if you are guilty of it.....STOP! If you don't like someone, just walk away and STAY away. Enough, to soap boxes.... I have a decision to make and it may not be the day to do it.
I'll work on some more bags later today as well as start on the pincushion patterns. Wishing everyone a glorious 4th. Stay safe, be careful, have fun. Much love to all.
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
It's Hump Day!
Funny, isn't it, that I write everyday and don't even know if anyone is even out there reading this... LOL.. such is life I guess. Mercury is Retrograde, so I guess I'm feeling a bit out of the communication loop.... Anyway, I've another late start this morning. Felt like a headless chicken running around in circles, unable to remember what is was I needed to do, had started to do, or for that matter, even wanted to do.
Here is the photo of the Gypsy Bags I've finished. Today, I am going to take myself over to OFFCenter (for those of you who don't know, it's a local art making center, targeted to the lower income/street people. It is a great place to "make art for free." I'm taking my computer as their WiFi is much better than mine, so that I can work on My Etsy Store, My Website, and CIFI's website, if Go Daddy has deemed it time to release it for transfer. I am also hoping to mat a few prints I've made and find out when a good day to work with the printing press is. LOL....and because I can never "settle" on just one thing to do, I am also taking some faces and a couple more of these bags to work on, and another pattern to work on. No, this one isn't mine, but one for one of the cutest pincushions I've ever seen....
So, again, I wish everyone a very creative day (even those of you who don't read any of this!...LOL)
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Another Day in Paradise!
Yesterday was a bit stormy up here, with thunder booming all around, though we got little rain. The day dawned once again with a freshness that only comes after it rains. The sky has darkened to an amazing cloudless azure, and I have watched 5 or 6 hummers play around the feeders outside my living room window. No Rufus yet, but I am sure it is just a matter of a week or so.
Today I finish up these "Gypsy Bags" which will include photographing and bagging them up. Tomorrow I will leave a couple at OFFCenter (in Albuquerque, where I used to work) in their gift shop, I also hope to mat a few prints (hopefully I can find some Linen Tape) while I am there. Pictures later this afternoon.....
Today I finish up these "Gypsy Bags" which will include photographing and bagging them up. Tomorrow I will leave a couple at OFFCenter (in Albuquerque, where I used to work) in their gift shop, I also hope to mat a few prints (hopefully I can find some Linen Tape) while I am there. Pictures later this afternoon.....
Monday, July 1, 2013
Monday, Happy July 1!
Yesterday was Sunday. Every Sunday, I go to my Mom's to see her. I am very lucky to still have her with me. She turned 80 this year! I took with me some hand sewing to do on these "little bags." I've decided to call them Gypsy Bags, as they go anywhere, carry your essentials, hang around your neck (for women) and could even work for men, by changing up the "cording" a bit and making it into a belt. and can be decorated in any manner that makes the creator happy. I should up the hand work today (I've made about 9), then what is left is to make the faces. This is okay as it'll give me lots of practice in flat face drawing.....
While at mom's yesterday, I decided on my next project. While at CIFI this year, Christy Chumley gave me the cutest pincushion! It is a free pattern from Dollmakers Journey, which is one of the bestest and oldest dollmaking sites on the web..... They carry over 1700 patterns by all kinds of designers, oddles and oddles of supplies, and more than just a handful of free patterns donated by the wonderful designers who sell their patterns there. Aside from that, both Bonnie and Mary Ann are The nicest gals who are always jiffy on the spot to send your order. LOL....that was my plug for the day.
So now I'm off (which is most generally a true statement anyway!) By the way, we did get a tad bit of rain puddles to splash in, but everything got wet and has left the air with that wonderful aroma.... Pictures soon! Have a great day.
While at mom's yesterday, I decided on my next project. While at CIFI this year, Christy Chumley gave me the cutest pincushion! It is a free pattern from Dollmakers Journey, which is one of the bestest and oldest dollmaking sites on the web..... They carry over 1700 patterns by all kinds of designers, oddles and oddles of supplies, and more than just a handful of free patterns donated by the wonderful designers who sell their patterns there. Aside from that, both Bonnie and Mary Ann are The nicest gals who are always jiffy on the spot to send your order. LOL....that was my plug for the day.
So now I'm off (which is most generally a true statement anyway!) By the way, we did get a tad bit of rain puddles to splash in, but everything got wet and has left the air with that wonderful aroma.... Pictures soon! Have a great day.
Saturday, June 29, 2013
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Guardian |
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Final Pattern for conference bag |
Thursday, June 27, 2013
This morning I planted Moon Flowers in my front rose bed. Yesterday (and most days), my internet is so slow it's hard to do much except early in the morning. I was unable to post my "conference pocket" yesterday, so thought I'd try again today. Would love feedback. This one is based on an old one that was given to me in the early 2000's made from a pattern by Sherry Goshon. I've redrawn and redesigned it to fit a passport (since in order to travel by plane, we all need one these days). Anyway, here goes.....
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Front |
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Back with pocket |
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Front Completed |
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
I didn't make it yesterday, but it was a productive day! Actually got back into my studio after years and years....LOL... Let me tell you, trying to remember just how my sewing machine worked was a job all in and of itself!
During CIFI, I wore a very old doll face pocket---I think it might have been a Sherry Goshon pattern, and it was made for me by Kathy in Hot Atlanta (I've lost track of her, drats!). You know what they say about what is old is new again? Very True.... I must have been stopped and asked about it by every attendee and some of the other hotel guest as well.
It was great pocket to wear around my neck, as it fit my cell phone, I attached my name tag, and could carry my hotel card key and CC, as well as attach the hotel conference keys.
The bright idea dawned on me, wouldn't it be wonderful to have one that was similar, but wider-as in wide enough to hold my passport, and be just as functional. So, when I came home from the conference, I drew up a pattern---the first one I made just didn't work, it wasn't wide enough, the lining was too wide, the whole thing buckled...yada, yada, yada---so back to the drawing board, and I drew up another pattern. It worked much better, AND I added a loop for my readers---anyone who knows me personally can attest I am in a continued state of flux as I can't ever "find" my readers.... So Kudos to you Sherry! I've yet to "do the face," although the template is drawn up. But you know I think this would work for those who aren't doll gals!
During CIFI, I wore a very old doll face pocket---I think it might have been a Sherry Goshon pattern, and it was made for me by Kathy in Hot Atlanta (I've lost track of her, drats!). You know what they say about what is old is new again? Very True.... I must have been stopped and asked about it by every attendee and some of the other hotel guest as well.
It was great pocket to wear around my neck, as it fit my cell phone, I attached my name tag, and could carry my hotel card key and CC, as well as attach the hotel conference keys.
The bright idea dawned on me, wouldn't it be wonderful to have one that was similar, but wider-as in wide enough to hold my passport, and be just as functional. So, when I came home from the conference, I drew up a pattern---the first one I made just didn't work, it wasn't wide enough, the lining was too wide, the whole thing buckled...yada, yada, yada---so back to the drawing board, and I drew up another pattern. It worked much better, AND I added a loop for my readers---anyone who knows me personally can attest I am in a continued state of flux as I can't ever "find" my readers.... So Kudos to you Sherry! I've yet to "do the face," although the template is drawn up. But you know I think this would work for those who aren't doll gals!
Monday, June 24, 2013
OMG, it's been a year!!!!! Well it's a new day and a new year and I'll be visiting here every day with something to say. I've opened an ETSY store. Pal Pay works and I am "back in business." Life is crazy and it waits for no man or woman. I've learned that the hard way. CIFI 2013 just closed earlier this month, and although very small, it was a great success! The smallness lent itself to a very intimate "retreat" like atmosphere, where everyone was able to really visit and get to know everyone else. I'll post those pictures tomorrow. For now, it's clearing the slate, going back to work in my studio, producing art and patterns, so watch here for "what is happening."
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