
Saturday, July 6, 2013

Still working on pin cushions...

All of the pincushions bases are complete (10) and stuffed with eco friendly crushed walnut shells.  The company says that it's allergy free, right on the bag....  I may need to call just to make sure with today's nut allergies!   This is such a journey for me, I have been away from sewing and patterns for so long, it's like each step is a relearning of something old.  Not a lot of "muscle memory" left I guess....  The first critter I went to sew, fell apart...LOL....all the seams blew out.  If that wasn't enough all on it's own, trying to remove the freezer wrap was a nightmare.  I think that is why I stopped using it in the first place.  But then, a grand idea went off.  If you iron it on, why can't you iron it off?  It worked somewhat, but I think I will go back to my graphite and air erasable pen....  Sheesh.  The pattern calls for a kat to sit on the pincushion....  I drafted a dogs head to fit the body and just this morning realize that I need to design a bird to "put on it.".....  LOL...

We got more rain last night and I was out in the yard, again this morning, removing encroaching olive tree volunteers....  Currently I am sitting at my dining room table listening to and looking at a most beautiful bird....wish my camera would take a better picture through the window than it does and you know by the time I get out there, he will fly away (of course it's a he, because he is so colorful)....  I need to dig out my birds of the southwest book....

Well today I get needled (acupuncture) and then it's back to cats and dogs, maybe today I'll get to the bird!...  Have a great day!

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