
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

If it's Tuesday, this must be Belgium....LOL

Remember that movie?  I've been dark for the past couple of days due to internet problems....slower than dial up, and I get moved on to other things.

Yesterday was a real wash for me.  I started a new braclet and 3 hours later, decided I just needed to stop, no creativity anywhere in my body.  It was dark and gloomy yesterday, much like a winter's day and in the morning, at least until about noon, it barely reached 60 degree F.  My mood matched the weather.

Today the sun is shining, I am off to OFFCenter this afternoon to finish matting prints, then it's back home, then I will make some calls on the Fiber Arts Fiesta volunteer list.  Still haven't taken any pictures of the two necklaces I've made....or of anymore pin cushions that I've done....  I have continued to try to capture my hummers with my slr camera to no avail....just dawned on me that maybe I need to change the automatic setting....sheesh.  Will try that this evening.  I am going through about 1/2 gal of nectar a day now---in the evening they swarm and are beautiful.....

Well, I need to start my day, so for now, I'll close.  Wishing you a wonderful and creative day!

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