Okay, so yesterday was spent working on "the bird".....
In progress |
when all was said and done, he ended up sitting on an egg like this....
finished on wooden egg.... |
I was really pretty jazzed....first pattern created totally by me in the last 10 years. That is not to say I haven't done anything original. But mostly technique classes from two of the most "bestest" teachers, Sherry Goshon and Jean Bernard. Their classes are always project based, but are more about the technique, at least for me. Mine always looks different from everyone elses, which is how I got my "creative fix"
Anyway, as I said, I was really pretty jazzed, so cut out 3 more bodies and heads and went to work stuffing them. Started the 2nd one and wouldn't you know it? He DEMANDED to be different, right from the beginning. First of all he wanted to stand.... this pattern was not designed to have legs attached, did he care. NO! So I used 18 gauge wire, formed a U and gave him legs.....stuffing around them, in this small a critter made for a challenge. Then, I made one set of wings and don't you know, he wasn't happy with just a single wing on either side.... demanded a 2nd pair....LOL... Okay, I complied. All this and he 1st of all doesn't even have a head yet, much less eyes.... Eyes, they were black, but NO, he didn't like them. I told him to SHUT UP, I was in charge, he told me, they just won't work... however, I was determined to have my way. Did it work? Well, when I started the eye ruffle he yelled and screamed and carried on, the din was outrageous! I persevered, when finished with the first ruffle, took a look and wouldn't you know it, he was Right, I DID NOT like it... The Bird, he just laughed and laughed and laughed, chirping how he "Told You So"....he had no idea how close he came to a "Fried Chicken Special!" Okay, fine, I was done for the day.
Went to bed and dreamed of a little bird who wanted to be The Bird of Paradise.... that's right, he invaded my dreams--but you know what, this is whence comes the best of my creations, so, I awoke at 5:45 a.m., told him to pipe down, I wasn't ready to start the day yet and snoozed for a while longer.
He was very anxious for me to start when I awoke, but I told him, I had other things to do....LOL... finally about 9:30ish, I started to finish him. It was a bit of a struggle as each time I thought good, I'm done, he wanted something else.... I finally finished him about 30 minutes ago....two hours I worked on just his head this morning....tsk, tsk. But he is finished a as proud as a peacock.... I hope you like him.....
I wish he had photographed better..... He is much cuter in person than in these pictures....