It's June already, CIFI 2011 is over and done with and so it's another year in the bag, so to say! CIFI this year was unbelievable! Such fun and laughter and the teachers were amazing. Jean Bernard and Sherry Goshon teach an open ended class that takes their students to a new place. Arley's ladies are always too gorgeous to be believed. This year Sherry and Nancy Gawron both taught classes for children on Friday and Saturday nights and the kids were thrilled!!! Other mini classes included Yvonne Nathenson wonderful brooch class, Gail Sakovich's beading class, Elma's clay flowers, and Donna Coles wonderful origami cloth folded kimono's. Next year's theme is the Enchanted Forest... LOL... How fun. Plan on attending this wonderful little conference here in NM next year if you can.
I can't believe that it has been this long since my last post. For those of you who are following my school progress, I have completed my first semester in my Master's Program, pulling A's in all three classes. Yippee! I have also taken a summer job at an open community art center. It's only 10 hours a week, but I will be working with the Youth Development, Inc. children this summer, and am quite excited!
My house mate has left, so I am reclaiming my house! Living room is almost back to being a living room, dining room needs only a few more touches and it will be back to being just that, but the most important thing of all is that I am reclaiming my studio. Seems like it has a long way to go yet and I may never be done, but are we ever really done completing our space? I never really have been, I always think, oh, this would work better here!
It's like Christmas to say the least! Unpacking boxes I've not seen in a while, discovering old friends and seeing that I can make "new ones"... LOL... it's a lot of work, but I am enjoying it! Hoping to soon have a real space to play and make my own art....

Today I will leave you with a couple of pictures from CIFI 2010.... LOL.... did I tell you we already have "secrets" for CIFI 2011? The grass never grows under our feet...