I'm still attending the University and will finish up my B.A./B.S. in Education in December. This has been the easiest semester I can remember. I am also subbing part time. Some days will find me in Elementary School, others in Mid School and still others in High School.... phew, there are days I just flat don't remember who I am.... LOL.... Anyway, mid-terms are over (and I aced them, this is the class I was dropped from last term, so I'm very pleased, though this is the first time I said anything about it!).
My doll club, KoKopelli's Enchanted Dolls, has purchased a Christmas Tree to decorate and Auction for our local Children's Hospital. Guess I'm going to start making, at least "Pin Dolls" to help decorate this tree.... so stay tuned, who knows what you might find here! Oh yeah, I actually signed up to do the Christmas Doll Swap.... think I'll need to slow down a bt.... LOL.... so much to do, sew many dolls, just not enough time.
In any event, I slowed down long enough this past week to admire Mother Nature in all her Glory. Here you can see her decked out in the beautiful best of all her Fall glory!