I can't believe that it has been this long since my last post. For those of you who are following my school progress, I have completed my first semester in my Master's Program, pulling A's in all three classes. Yippee! I have also taken a summer job at an open community art center. It's only 10 hours a week, but I will be working with the Youth Development, Inc. children this summer, and am quite excited!
My house mate has left, so I am reclaiming my house! Living room is almost back to being a living room, dining room needs only a few more touches and it will be back to being just that, but the most important thing of all is that I am reclaiming my studio. Seems like it has a long way to go yet and I may never be done, but are we ever really done completing our space? I never really have been, I always think, oh, this would work better here!
It's like Christmas to say the least! Unpacking boxes I've not seen in a while, discovering old friends and seeing that I can make "new ones"... LOL... it's a lot of work, but I am enjoying it! Hoping to soon have a real space to play and make my own art....
Today I will leave you with a couple of pictures from CIFI 2010.... LOL.... did I tell you we already have "secrets" for CIFI 2011? The grass never grows under our feet...